Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Birth Story

Every child longs to hear the story of their birth, to hear the magical tale of how they came to be. Balaboosta Baby was a dream long before its inception. As parents often desire a child before the act of creation, so too have I dreamt of operating a home business that could be used as an outlet for my creativity. Balaboosta Baby allows me to couple my passions for birth, babies and breastfeeding with my love of sewing and the creative arts. I have to give credit to one of my sisters for introducing me to nursing covers and opening my eyes to a new venture. As a result, the seeds for Balaboosta Baby were planted.

As with all pregnancies, there is the gestational period, the time where your dreams begin to take shape. This is also the time where those in utero doubts and worries begin to plague you and feelings of anxiety make you question your future abilities to parent and guide your newest venture. Then comes one of the biggest decisions of all: what to name your baby. Balaboosta Baby’s namesake is my youngest daughter who is truly the original Balaboosta baby; always full of energy and living each moment to the fullest. While the literal translation of balaboosta is “perfect housewife", it denotes a take charge individual. I need to credit my mother with bestowing this title upon my little one.

First it was an idea, that was then conceptualized and began to take shape, and now is the moment of delivery. The planning, the waiting, the worrying, the sleepless nights of preparation all led to this moment of anticipation: the birth of Balaboosta Baby.

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